Tuesday, December 28

hang out with friends

hang out with zyda
how long has it been??
2 years i guess..or is it more..i think it is..
i always have the anxious feeling if im going to meet a person outside
be it a boy or a girl
i rarely went out with my friend so i guess it figures
its ok for me if we're going out together
but when meeting a person at a promise place, it is a whole different story

after high school graduation,michi ask me for a date
that is the first time i ever going out with a friend
and she pick me up at home..sweet~ ^3^
i barely can sleep at night as i dont know what to wear..LOL XD

me and zyda promise to meet at 10am
er..actually i want it at 10..
not too early please =P
both of us miss the place actually
both waiting at different place..thanks god we have our cellphone
then we went shopping for my stuff a bit
went to eat at KFC and talk talk talk
i think we sit there more than 2 hours only talking and eating
uh oh..and my legs really hurt when i was walking later
sitting to long i guess.. XD
then zyda got into my car and we went shopping for some clothes
window shopping in few stores and we went to kyra michi house
(there's only mini skirt and long skirt..nothing like the one i want +_+)
kyra love to cook and we ate with her and more talking talking talking
it turn late in the evening so i went home..wanna be home before 6pm
left zyda at kyra's house =D

we promise to hang out again
shopping of course..
i love shopping
but they said they dont have enough money..
so..window shopping anyone?? me!! \(^o^)/

and something terrible..
when i was going to fill the petrol,i cant use my card!!
i need to use cash T_T
i forgot bout it already actually..
i'll check tomorrow..
cause the day after tomorrow,im going hang out my friends again =)

hang out with old friend is different from hang out with my friend from campus
it makes me soo nervous
because we rarely hang out is it?? even though we somewhat close..hm..
today is the first time i meet zyda outside of the school..c0oL XP 
er,i cant believe zyda's dressing..
white and green..she dragged too much attention 
controversy that she is today XD 

ps: zyda said im getting bigger and she asked my weight T_T
ps2: i thought the sale for xmas isnt over yet..so its year end sale..ok =P
The Day of Revolution..nice story ^^

1 comment:

Zida Suhaimi said...

it's me zida..
it has been along time since we last met..
dah setahun lebih..
hopefully we can meet again..
insyaAllah :)