Sunday, December 26

rude to call

most people didnt like it if you call them at inappropriate time
especially of no reason at all

as for me..not early than 8am and not late than 10pm
and i dont like to pick up call between 7pm till 8pm..

i always told my friend that i hate late call and very early morning call
once i shouted at my friend as he call me at 12am
he like to call me at 12..i dont know why..
i know he call me of something about study
and consider important to him
but i would careless if im going to sleep
i rarely sleep late than 12am or sometimes a lot earlier at 9 pm something..
theehee =P
then after being scold by me,he usually call me 10 minutes before 12am
weird fella..he's an owl i guess

but of course there's exeption
for family or very close friend
for family,i put 24/7 
and close friend,they know me so they didnt bother me that much =P 
i can still pick up phone at 3am if it was elli or kyra michi or jie or aisha
if and only if i didnt sleep yet XD

jadi kalau nak telefon, hanya antara 8 pagi hingga 10 malam
orang melayu lagi kena lebih hati2
jangan telefon time orang nak azan atau tengah azan
lagi lah,kalau telefon 2,3 kali dia tak angkat,mungkin dia sibuk
jadi hantar mesej je lah..minta telefon balik
sama lah macam nak pergi rumah orang
orang tak datang time magrib..tak tau adab nama nya..ok?? =)

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