Sunday, December 26

happy happy

i was so happy that i cant help but to 'type'
(i really wanna use 'write' give more feeling =P)
it seriously is something stupid..
my bro,risk has been away for 3 days..
but its holiday now so i feel lonely..
only 3 days yet i miss him a lot..
i dont know what went wrong with my head..
anyway..he just got home this morning..
i cant really say it to him that i miss him straight to the face
he'll mocking me non stop..
so i just sit next to him and watch the tv 
but it feel awkward as i dont know what to say to him 
so i went to my room

later he came..
saying he want to see what i was up to
"comic online.."
he wanna read it with me
i made a face at him 
like 'dont you have something else to do'
and i told him to get out
he's saying something like 
"im the eldest bro and you the eldest sis,so we should be close with each other" crap
and i was like..what's wrong with you??
but i think he feel it too..the awkward feeling.. *evil laugh*
he didnt wanna get out and start acting stupid..
"get out already.."
i pull his hair and we start tackling on my bed
(no stupid image ok!!!)
i kick his stomach with my knee and we keep struggling with each other 
man,his grip..its been long since he grip me that i forgot
it really about man strenght..duh =_="
i was about to bite his finger when i cant stand the pain
then he lose his grip
of course i was going to bite really hard him if he didnt lose his grip
kick him by knee again but he made soo much noise that my granma told me to lower my voice
"bukan saya lah..risk!!"
then he shut big mouth of his..
later,i saw an opening,kick him hard till off bed and told him off
he's saying stupid stuff with a fake sad face
and run away with a wick grin..i manage to smack him at back though
n thats what make me really happy..

wrestling with my bro..
told u its a stupid reason,that it is LOL XD


its been long since i did that
wrestling with my brother
(its a way of showing your love they say)
but he actually let me win on purpose right?
he usually did that =)
i love risk..sometimes =P

he's da least person i feel awkward with in my family 
that make me can tell him almost everything
and he notice it too
maybe thats why he spoil me too much sometimes
he once told me that mum told him to take a good care of me 
as he's da only person i open up with in our family
that time mum caught us talking by phone very late at night
i was telling him my worries..
(its rude to call someone at night if you're not close with that person!
and my mum dont like it too i guess) 

he sometimes is rude and very ego
and he's an annoying brother for being over protective
but that side of him also make me feel warm
(the kind of feeling hafiz give me when i was near to him
though sometimes he make me feel like im going to have stomachache 0_o
weird feeling XD)

risk,he always act tough in front on us,family..
sometime i told him that he should take a break now and then

ps: i think risk has a split a time he's very kind with me n at a time he act like he hate me..risk can be a jerk..but i still love him nevertheless XD 

ps2: i wonder what is hafiz doing now n i wanna noe about that girl he like..n jie..i wanna talk 2 her but didnt noe how to..n there's zyda..asking for a date..

ps3: i was so happy that i laugh like i never laugh in a long time (3 days is long you know XD) oh,n i feel like flying..da same feeling also with hafiz..does boy owayz send girl flying??never feel that way with my other fren though..o well..

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