Wednesday, December 8

2nd entry: Home : 16th nov

i was wearing baju kurung mind u =P
when i was waiting for mum n risk to pick me up..
n my bro didnt even recognize me..
dt boy!!he really gt on my nerve..
no wonder he look at me like dt..he didnt even recognize me!!
he told me mum 
"mum,ada jgk eh,bdk pompuan yg pakai baju kurung kat cni.."
what does that suppose to be mean?!
of course he got two hit from me in the car..
he ask me if i went shopping,
of cz not!!it have been 2 years since i gt dat baju kurung..
he's said he didnt even recognize me as i dun look like myself
i look stunning o sumthg..
like i want to hear that from him..haih =_="
told him that ye lah,laen kali no more bju kurung only skirt (or jeans?? *cough*)
n then mum told me,he thought im someone else,look so innocent n ayu..ehem2 =P
after few fight wif risk,we're home

went 2 my bedroom n i feel soo relieve..
guess this what it mean to be home is what i thought at dt time
meet my granma..bullying my litel bros
n went to sleep as i told mum i didnt have enough sleep

later that night,i told granma i think i have a fever
i got headache..
she told me that i owayz have headache..
did i??i guess..
she told me to took sum medicine

on9 n chat wif adill
i was so freaking mad wif him n press him 2 tell me everythg..
we chat till late that night..
i owayz like him since 1st  year 
he's a lone ranger n a very shy guy at dt tym so i strongly agree they both together
adill n elli..
i can c him liking elli since our 1st year
but i start not liking him when he couple wif dyne
ol of those gals,y da hell did he choose the kind,innocent,not-couple-even-once dyne
arg!!dt guy..n it didnt even last long
poor dyne..
i even kol dyne privately just to advise her to think bout it few times im not dt gud wif dyne,mybe its more like a shock to her..huhu
i know how adill is..n dyne is juz seems 2 b a wrong person at a wrong tyme..
i noe sooner o later he would broke it up..he cant give commitment
but when he did,he can b such a push over
much more like me i would say..
i miss me like that..
so not going into any trouble relationship
so not crying at night
so not missing specific sum1..haih..
this is live,not a game sarah..
n i dun even think i can revert back 2 myself even if i want now
im sooo in deep trouble now
what have i dont wif myself now??
i can be so very stupid sumtym

oh..noh miskol..
didnt even realize that..
n i thought he didnt want to hve anything to do wif me ever again T_T
i was bit happy
though he dont tell anythg regarding what we talk b4


but im hepi nevertheless..cant u b hepi wif me oh my dear self T_T

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