Monday, December 20

im thinking (wow..i did that =P)

i meet kyra michi the other day
and i've been thinking a lot..i did..
she's the first person who really told me to break up wif hafiz last 2 years
it seems that a lot of things happen 
after she's  gone to aukland
and im still thinking
ya,im a selfish person
but i guess its true..
i have to let hafiz go sooner or later

i hope he can find a cute gf for himself
im no good for him and i think he deserve a happy life
me too..want to be happy
i'm going to treat him as a friend from now on
um..i'll try
i actually smile warmly at his photo rather than the longing
so i take it as a good start
there's still a lot of things i wanna do in life
and sometime i got scared
but i think what i want most is the feeling of close to god...
i miss the feeling...

if it was only for my stupid mind 
i would want to quit everything
and return to my own world
but i dont want to live that life again
i had enough and i dont think mum, dad, risk, my family
wanna see me like that
im going to do my best to feel living
i actually feel like im gonna adopt a baby now XD
but i dont want the child to miss me if something ever to happen to me..

gomen neh joe-kun...
i did it again i guess..
daijobu..god is always with u =)

my love,i pray u to always be happy

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