Friday, January 14

new year new beginning is it?

sumimasen............... *bow*
im sorry........ -("|")-
i havent open my latop for 2 weeks now
now im at home..
using my mum pc just to update my blog
for the sole reason..
i forgot what i've done past weeks T_T result for last sem..
i only got an A and awfully a C+ 
(why cant it be a B-,jz a little bit more) *rolling on the floor pretend to cry*
well,what i did i get back i guess.. XD
well,i pass this sem again but again,with no color.. 
poor sarah.. BOO!!

for my industrial training,got a bit prob here..
they havent received my letter..
wadda?? oh god..
need to check it again later
i forgot to bring home the bill to check it online if the letter got lost 
somewhere in the sea

hm..i want to take arabic this sem
havent found the sifu yet
if its full..
me not going to take any extra credit this sem..
i can already graduate with my credit now.. XD

risk sms me from the camp
ogenki desuka risku??
daijobu,he's fine..

uh oh..and 1 last thing..
i've been shopping lots of time
after new year
nearly $700 i think XD
omg,sarah!! behave yourself!!
im waiting for my friends to pay me back $400
i only got $400 for 3 month..
dunno how i'll survive if they didnt pay me yet
i just dont want to ask from my mum
ego i would say =P
mata ^_^(")

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