Monday, November 15

cool off my head

The All-American Rejects - Move Along

stupid internet..
it suddenly got stuck and i need to rewrite it again
haih..of course it less emotion now -_-"
hm..maybe its even better..
i've cool off my head
hm..what was i rambling about at 10am just now eh??
i thought i write it in malay back then
well,just pass with another thing jak la
malas nak pikir..hua3

after sleep for about 3 hours (or maybe less..)
i think im ok..i think.. LOL
got so much to do in such a short time
life isnt long you know
and later you know that you're at the end of your day

i think i was rambling about IQ, EQ, SQ
so then lets move on the story...

they said when we have a high IQ (intellect quotient) then your EQ (emotion quotient) will drop
am i saying that i have a high IQ?
not really the case..
but im a rational person and usually left my emotion and humanity behind in thinking or action..
im a bad girl..blame me
now i can understand how does the wife of the "brutal" feel
she love him just because he's nice SOMETIMES
the hell..what bout that many time he hits you??
women..or can i say human??
i dont really understand this kind of things
maybe because im guarded i guess
mum, granma, uncles, bro, sis..
they all treat me like..a fish in an aquarium is it?

oh God,how i wish to go swimming in a time like this at open ocen.. c0oL
tell you something do you know what every diver want? 
swimming with the shark..
oh boy,how lovely would it be?
well,maybe with dolphin 1st XD

wanna know a secret? 
i have a diving license but i cant swim that well..hahaha
i can keep myself from drowning but thats it..
its a shame you know...pity me T_T

water = mizu
it always come in handy in mend your broken heart and anger.. *broken </3
who want some cold water?? *me!! (^_^)(")

going out with friends would be lovely.. maybe i should consider some social party or.. maybe not LOL


Unknown said...

maybe you should go for swimming for more practice :)

sarah ace seven said...

i think i will..haha..tq XD