Friday, November 12

driving alone..or not

wah!!i was soo scared last night.. #_#

my friend, elli ask me to send her and her sis to chapel (for those who didnt know,chapel is smaller than church),
she's a protestant
she said the bro came too early
and she decided to go later
well,i said ok if she's going to pay 4 the car rent =P
she drove 1st and we went to pick up her sis at instep

we went to the city and had dinner at
uncle chua noodles
oishi~ i had mee tom should try it..
and the place is soo romantic
the uncle is kind too..
he ask me hows the food and i told him
"sangat sedap,saya suka..terima kaseh (^_^)"
n we spend about rm35 for 3 people.. XD

later after drop them at the chapel,
i need to drove alone back to campus
it was my 1st time driving alone at night
dan aq xpunya stiker "P" di kereta
sangat takut ditahan polis.. +_+
aq bgtau dri sdiri..
"relax sarah, everyone has his or her 1st time and this is your 1st time"
sedikit bertenang ketika itu 
tapi aq kemudiannya sedar
i couldnt see well in the dark
then i decided to go home
my house just 10 minutes from KT.. XD
then i told my mum  
"mami,saya sangat takut drive alone..n its dark"
my mum told me to bring my sis with me back to campus
but that girl didnt wanna..
n kept pestering me about the sweater im wearing..urg!!
then i decided to went back to campus alone..
im very scared..totally +_+
when i was starting the engine,
my bro called me back
she said mum told me to wait up
but i need to get back befiore midnight
then i told him i cant wait too long -_-"
later,my bro get into the car with me
and i drove back to campus
mum told me tht she'll follow later
aq hampir langgar pembahagi jalan
kerana silau lampu kereta belakang
nearly knocked someone
who suddenly running out from no where at my 80km/h
and hampir langgar traffic light untuk belok kanan,
aq ingatkan lampu nya rosak
5x lampu depan tukar,lampu belok kanan x nyala2..
and the cars from the back hon non stop..huk2 T_T
thankfully i arrived at my campus without any scratch
(not me nor the car =P)

oh,n i gave my sis that sweater im wearing..
on my usual XD
now i only have 4 sweater with me..
and the sweater she want is the warmest one T_T
(though i dont really like the design)

moral of the story to myself: 
dont drive alone..especially at night..
and get yourself a new glasses..LOL XD

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