Sunday, November 14

oh skirt oh sarah

beberapa mingu lepas, aq sangat suka pakai skirt
kadang2 aq pakai gaya frilly gitu (^///^)
roomate aq juga heran
selalu nya,aq pakai jeans terusan..
sampai teman2 aq juga sangat kenal gaya aq

dulu nya aq memang tomboy habis
tapi time dapat surat mau ke kolej,
i told my mum
"mummy,jom shopping,saya mau pakai skirt ke college.."
of course my mum was very much willingly to buy everything
she was with enthusiasm  LOL XD
i love my mum..
she always support me in most everything except for my dressing =D we went shopping 
and i got myself some pretty nice long skirt and blouse
even a frilly skirt =P
i always like lolith =)
only long skirt is allow at the college..
duh..we have to wear baju kurung actually to formal class
and no modern design!!
just like wearing school uniform, 
the different is you cant choose between baju kurung or pendafour
just like mum said, you need to wear formal -_-"

and you know what
my uncle is so cool
one day,to my surprise,my uncle know about loli gothic!! v(^0^)v
my mum was asking me abouth my dressing
and my uncle answer it for me
high5 for my uncle (^_^)(")

now im at university, 
i revert back being a boyish girl (of course!! or not =P)
that year in the college is just for experiment 
and i got 4 scandal there.. c0oL
the bad habit i got back there being a girly girl,
i cant accept it if a boy said no to me..
very much selfish i said
i cant believe that i have that thing in me..kowaii.. 
im scared of myself (~_~)
and im very sorry for those guys whose been my experiment.. T_T
not my fault,already told them im not interested in dating
but three of them have their own partner now
to think of that,only two person was kinda serious
for the other two, it was just a fling~
and that one other person,his name is azlan if im not mistaken
he's such a nice fellow,
i know him since after spm
best candidate if i could say
but i never meet him..hoho
we lost contact now
he was somewhere in the ocean i believe
working on a ship

and to think of that,
he didnt really give me that adrenaline rush like noh did.. LOL XD
he's very much like my best friend here, jensen
i like jensen much, we were friend since 1st year till now
and he didnt really go saying,
"you should be more like a girl.." or something
he usually there for me
thats what a friend for right??
saling menyusah kan XD
but he did praise me if im wearing 'girly'.. *nothing lah..hehe (^///^)('')
and sometimes ask me why im not wearing it everyday.. uh oh -_-
oh jensen..
he's such a funny guy

btw, i dont favor mini skirt
mind you,we're in terengganu
and my mum dont like it of my skirt is too short
so i only wear knee high skirt
my mini dress usually 2 in 1
you can wear it as a skirt and mini dress..
thats what we call saving ^_^
i just love shopping.. <3
havent use my mastercard for more than a month now.. T_T

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