Wednesday, September 28

28 Sept

hello  ===<@

i still stuck as RA as in research assistant in my college
actually i need to make it from the beginning
yesterday we got a meeting
and you know how he put it

DR: how long have you said you start this?
ME: after my practical which on..July..and i told you after eid that..
DR: *cut me* 2 months? how many time has been waste, do u notice?
ME: *suppress urge to straggle him* im sorry
ME: (in my mind: havent we talk about this before?? and do yo know how many people said that i should never do it on my own that i need guidance that this is practically as if my own paper??)
~end flashback~

i dont hate him,honest
in fact i love him
not love love but love..
u know..
as in i love you mum, i love u little brother that kind of love
actually though some people talk bad bout him,
i dislike them for talking like that
i respect him as a teacher and such
but that's why i got bullied said a friend of mine..

btw,that's remind me..
omg,im sooo telling u this
ok,read me..
u know..
i kind of got myself a cousin
how cool is that?
and u know how does it happen?
and oh yeah, its a "he"

well, the story should be begin like this
its during my practical at that marine park
it was me with dira and zain and ley
and its him,ley!!
i dont really realize the sequence or the consequence 
but something like this happen
i already tell myself that im going to bring myself as a "lady" there
so i act like one of course
i LOVE acting
well,as i always am a good actor so i live as a real actor
feeling like a lady and such
then i dont really remember what happen 
but i have a feeling that this ley guy remember me of someone
he remembered me of my dear cousin..or rather cousins actually
and why is that?
well,im not really sure how to put this in words
what im going to say is
i have few older boy cousin that i look up at them when im in trouble
or they just being a real big brother as they can around me if that is easier to understand
and i thought of ley act as one
i cant treat him as a friend
i mean, i dont see him as a friend anymore after few weeks hang out together
we, as in me, dira, zain and ley really hang out a lot mind u
and in the beginning the staff thought us as double couple
as me with ley and dira with zain
that is long before i have this cousin feeling though
and the reason is,
this ley guy,
actually jokingly suggest us to married them as they want to share house with us
they dont have a place to stay there
and of course,we're not going to share with them 
that's how the marriage thing come out and it did make a ruckus as the staff start gossipping
during that practical, ley had been nice to us 
but practically zain is stuck with dira 
actually he's just being himself but i dont know..
so i thought ley was being a thoughtful person
and one day i told him
"u know ley, i think of you as my cousin"
they made a weird face and laugh of course
i told him im serious and i want to adopt him as my cousin
he refuse flatly
well, if he accept, i'll be the one who'll call him weird
he saved me 2x as i got sexual harassment 
as he save me that first time,
we are not really that close,
just friend and as i thank him, 
he had this weird face as saying why-are-you-making-such-a-big-deal-its-nothing
but as time pass by, we four are kind of best-buddy or maybe not really best but u get the idea
then he start talking with me
and we become close and our acquaintance there some of them believe we are real cousin
actually zain and dira bought it too
i dont really know how dira bought that story, she is my bestfriend for three years
but i dont feel like explaining so im still not
there, thats the story of how i got myself a cousin..LOL
like i dont have enough cousin of myself..uh oh.. =_="

and the best thing is,
the reason i can be that close with ley 
though we practically never talk in campus 
i already know he had a fiance and he's really not my type
he's too skinny to my liking!!
and he hate fat people..
there, we dont suit each other..

*i think jessen has asked me before if i want to rent a house with him and few others if i got to sabah.. God forbid and im not.. thats really one awkward moment to reply him though.. i told him its not going to work out and i dontjessen but i dont believe in teenage hormone and i do believe in God.*

ps: whenever ley ask for my help or whenever i thanks him for helping me, he would say this "arent we cousin?" or "well,we're cousin" he's cute..LOL
ps2: i found this livejournal and im writing there as my everyday well nearly everyday..and it can post my twitter which where i really being myself so i love it there and i dont write this long there..only gist of my everyday and retweet post so its really is lighter and less headache for you to read =P

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