Tuesday, September 13

13 Sept


Few days ago,
My sis went back to her college,
Well, we shake hand of coz
But no hugging or kisses.
Since she was home,
Most of the time she talked to me,
More like talking TO my back,
Only brought tears to my eyes
Only harsh words came out of her mouth
Made me feel like she detest me to the core
Made me wanna die more sooner than ever
What a great sis she is
She said she love me
Just a few days before she went home
She said she’s happy I'm her big sis
What an actor
I would gladly hand over her the award
Though I do consider myself a good actor
I, me, never ever do something as cold as her
If my memories serve me right that is.
She, stab my heart over and over again
Only after she told me that she love me
Only after she said she care for me
Only after she said she was glad I'm her sis
What a joke
Is God playing a prank on me?
I always ask myself that
But then, hey, we’re mortal
God can do anything He like
No, don’t take me wrong here
I DO believe in God
And I do believe, He care enough for me to make me undergo everything
Though I'm not a pious
I believe and always believe He is here
And everything I go through is yet another test He gave me
How I'm glad my parents made me into a believer
If I'm not, I don’t think I ever alive in this damn world
I can’t count how many times had it been for me to be dying 
But yet I'm still breathing
Only because I believe in Him
But you know, I think my time will over soon than I expect
Know why?
I am a person who found it hard to forgive myself
And if I'm the reason someone acting weird
It make me can’t forgive more
I’ll kick, punch and cut myself
But recently
Something happen
I really want someone to die
And that person didn't really do any harm to me
Bit with him die, I’ll be free
Or it is what I thought
I don’t know what has come to me
Am I finally snapped it?
I don’t want to snap
I want to be normal even if I need to pretend for the rest of my life
I am a good actor
Though not as good as my sick sis
She’s cold
Really cold
Oh and it’s not her that I want dead
Another person
Another person who’s life not really connect with me
Another person who if even dead, I won’t know if I didn't ask how well he is
Yep, a stranger out of closet
See, I told you I'm gonna die soon
I want a mere stranger to be dead so that I don’t have to think about him
Or doing my job
Recently I can’t think of him as a father figure anymore
I'm going crazy aren’t I?
I thought what will happen to his kids, wife
But I don’t even really care
I'm mean
I'm crazy
My shadow is overwhelming
I can’t lose myself
Hang in there self!!

Enough of that dark shadow of mine,
Let’s look at me
You know what,
I'm really happy at home nowadays
Not really nowadays but I don’t know since when
But there are times at home that make me really feel belong
Seriously I thought I was pretending to be ok, I'm fine, or whatever
But it might means something else
Ok, I use to be left alone at home since I was young
No big deals
(It did feels really lonely sometimes though to be honest)
But hey, what I'm going to tell you is
My grandma
You know,
I had live with gran when I was baby until mum decide she want to take me back
And gran really really love me
I was immature arrogant prat before that I didn't realize it
Well, you can say I was soo much into my act that I'm emotionless
A doll
I'm being kind and all
But rarely come to heart
I hate it
I don’t know
I thought if I open my heart
It will be stomp upon
Like what my sis did to me,
Well, that  another story and I want to forget it this moment
What I wanna say is
I really enjoy it
To be at the kitchen
And talk to my gran
My heart it feels light
And I feel at peace
Like I was in my room and hugging kuma but I'm not
Instead I'm just sit there,
Mostly listen to her rambling
Act that I'm really hungry
Demand some so that she can give it to me
I'm stupid aren’t I?
But I'm feel so happy when I said I wanna eat something when she ask
Though I'm not really hungry
It feels warm and nice
A very nice feeling you know
My gran is old
I don’t know how much long does she has
But I don’t wanna die before her
I wanna make her happy if that the least I can do
I really love her
I just notice recently that I can love
I can love without want it back
I think love is gratitude
I mean, I love my ex, still
But I want him to love me back and when he can’t give me that
I can’t love him more
Family love is something else
It makes you feel warm and secure
Though that other person rarely tell you that they love you,
You just know it
I always feel insecure
Risk said I cant forgive myself when dad left
I deny it,
I mean,
I don’t blame myself right?
Or was it happen at the back of my mind that I don’t realize it
I don’t know
But what I know is
Gran make me feel safe and secure
It’s warm and lovely feeling
Like I'm a good guy, well, I am right? =P
I really love gran
And she is the reason I don’t want to die yet
God bless her.
When I'm typing this and thinking of my gran,
I'm smiling =)

And my granma at dad side
Is not very well
When I look at him
I only think of when will God take her to Him
I don’t want to see her suffer
But I'm in no place to say anything
Her children and grandchildren may want her longer
In fact
I'm not really her granddaughter
But dad told me to love her the same
So I did my best

When I think about it
I am kind, but not really kind hearted
It’s more like I program myself to be kind
That’s what my mum always told me to be
And that will make my dad happy too
So I program myself to be kind
I'm such an actor aren’t I?
That’s why I never believe in love
Mum, dad, they’re together because of responsibility
Parents’ duty is to take care of their children
It is duty, not really love is what I think
I pity myself
No wonder I always feels alone

That’s another reason I broke up with my ex >_<
I think I'm not being honest with him
I want to figure my own feeling and I don’t want him to waste time with me
I actually really wanna tell my mum that when we were having a fight months ago
Reason: guess who start first?
My sis!! 100 points to who got it right
Sometimes I think God create her to make myself miserable x_x
It been very long since me and my mum had a fight
She’s home for a day and my life become upside down
Most of the time when mum shout at me whatever she said
I just keep quite
I promise risk I wont get into any more trouble
And I don’t
The trouble find me, says harry potter
Mum said I hold to many secret to myself
And she hate it
I cant believe it
When was she when I wanna talk?
Was she even listening when I'm start talking?
Whose fault is that that I'm start talking alone?
I talk I do talk I tell you
It was gran!
Gran was listening when I'm talking
She always listen though she don’t really get it
I'm sorry mum
But this one thing I cant tell you
I cant tell you that I love gran more than you
I'm sorry dad
I just cant do it
I did try my best
But I just couldn’t dad
Why cant I?
Why is it so easy for them but not me?
I'm her daughter too, aren’t I dad? T_T

God, wow!  ^o^
Its been long since I wanna tell that
Wow, I feel relive a bit
Well, don’t bottle up everything in yourself
U might burst
And you need a good cry once a while
Share it, u will feel better.
I am now
Well, though I'm not really telling a human
Write it down or in this case, type it down is ok too.. LOL XD

I read a fanfic, bout this person,
She cut to relieve her stress,
But she was worse,
Abuse and everything
She feels insecure with her boyfriend
And sometime cant believe her boyfriend word
She had a really scary childhood
That makes her trust no one
But one day, she was bleeding too much that she was going to die
 And that when she start to have therapy and such
And in that story,
She wrote in a diary and every time she wanna cut or wanna die
She would put X X X X X X X X X
Until she feel satisfied
She took a long time before she really believe in her boyfriend
And new guardian
But she did it
And I will too.

I’ll be happy dad,
Don’t worry =)

Ps: Too long sara, way too long. Oh well, I'm just talking to myself anyway. C ya self!
Ps2: oh n btw, risk home. He arrive 4 in the morning, gran told me.

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