Saturday, January 15

my mum told me...

today helped my friend with her project at the beach
but that beside the story

my mum told me...

before that,let me give you some intro
my uncle's wife,untie rosie 
got admit to the hospital again for the 2nd time
she got stress and something..
etto..kind of crazy i guess.. +_+
i pity my uncle and his children...
i mean their children
but  as im not really good with his wife,
i pity my uncle more..and the children..
well,even since before she got admit to hospital,
it is my uncle that look after the children..
untie rosie not very good with the housework i could say
she did stay with us for some times before..
that end there..

well,as untie rosie got admit into the hospital
the children got to send to our house
in other word,my grandma was taking care of them
my grandma was quite old you know
but she was willing to take care of the children

then one day,i asked my grandma..
"didnt you go see untie rosie??"
grandma told me that untie rosie didnt want to see her
i was like..
what happen to my grandma,she was very kind before
and her voice,it sounds hurt..

then today,my mum told me the truth
grandma lend untie rosie some money
or rather big money for her to renovate the house
and after she got admit to the hospital,
she didnt want grandma to see her
even when grandma was admit to the hospital,
she didnt come visit even once
nor after grandma got release..
my uncle asked her few times to visit grandma but she didnt want to
too much trouble for her..
(she didnt even has any job..wonder what she up to..)
then now,grandma was a bit reluctant to take care of the children
as the mother,untie rosie didnt know how to thank
she was ungrateful
even after grandma take care of her more than her mother
and yesterday grandma got sick as she was too tired take care of the children
and as i pity my uncle,i helped grandma take care of the children..
ajib,the youngest once,was kind of obedient
maybe because after he was born,others taking care of him
for few months
as her mother got hospitalized..

marriage is harsh..
i dont think of getting married
i agree to a force marriage though if my family would be happy
never really believe in a true love..
it just a fairy tale..
then what bout my dad feeling to my mum??
i wonder... @_@


sarah ace seven said...

uh oh..ran out of pic XD

Anonymous said...
