Sunday, January 30


own by selfy
still at campus..
in hostel

today im wearing 
pink-white-stripe shirt 
black half pant
and i think i look kinda cute in the mirror
perasan nih ^///^

yesterday i cook breakfast for myself
but i cook too much 
(well,not really) 
so i sms mizuki asking her if she's going to join me
actually i want to ask dira too but she's too far and i dont want to trouble her 

masak bihun sup pagi2 =P
it was like rather a gamble as it was holiday 
(im on hpliday now..yippee!!)
and mizuki use to wake up late if there's no class
well,me too sometimes
nak cakap orang..ops..haha XD
to my surprise mizuki reply and said she's gonna take her bath first
actually i sms her just after i finish cooking
so when she reply i already finish a bowl of noodle =P
then i said i'll wait and gonna make her some tea
coffee is such a trouble..

i wait for her for more than half an hour and 
i was rather nervous at that time
as it was rather my first time invite someone other to my cooking
even at home im only a helping hand 
or being force no other than risk..
urg!! he always make a face when i said no that i cant stand
im such a good sis.. not really a good sis..
hm..thats feel more like me..LOL

me and izuki enjoy the meal very much
my second though =)
and mizuki was having her third..
saying "hm boleh la..sedap gak.."
i was soo happy that she finish my cook
now i wish to become a cook 
im such a simpleton..LOL =D

and the thing i wanna say is..
after we have our meal,
we talk a bit and suddenly eyes was only
i was like.. "why??"
"ko memang selalu pakai macam ni eh?? kelakar lah.."
etto..i cant really get it what she means by then
"ko pakai baju ni..pakai lagi seluar..pelik lah XD"
"so ko nak aq pakai baju ni saje xyah pakai seluar?? lagilah sexy.."
i was wearing a white-red-flower mini dress with a half pant
if i didnt wear the pants it looks like im wearing a mini skirt
and i dont really like it as i need to sit properly T_T
actually the mini dress is kind of showing a bit i guess
but when i tried to wear the inner didnt look good on me
so i lost it..and wear only the mini dress
bad bad sarah..
what??it didnt look good on me.. XD

own by selfy
well,i kind of look a bit like this =>
but its a short sleeve
not really..
its an off-shoulder but i make it a short sleeve
we dont wanna cause any trouble in the area do we?? =P
but maybe the back and front really is showing a bit XD
well,duh..its not a t-shirt..

im just wearing normal actually 
it just that 
i dont really wear it like this outside
only when i hang out with my closest friends
or in my room..i love dolling myself
but lolita is a bit costly =P

me outside usually is just a boring tomboy XD
why should i doll myself for someone else..
i dont understand them =_=

ps: risk is a better cook than me..i think..mum said so he use to cook by himself but he just too lazy to cook for me..he RARELY cook for me..what a bro..and what a sis XD
ps2: the pictures own by selfy..i accidentally delete the tab and couldnt get the url..baka T_T
ps3: ops..where's my headdress in 2nd pic??poor me..out of pic again..that hairclip should go for 1st pic and 2nd pic with a hairband =)


Sago Melanau said...

sedapnye... yummy!! want sum neh.. sarah-chan... =D

sarah ace seven said...

ha tu lah hang..da 2x melepas mskn td pum hang xdtg..cedey tau aq..seb beq mizuki-chan ade..siap dy jelez nak masak jgk..wawawa XD