Saturday, July 27

I'm Not Lying.. Just Lying.. (MAY)

its actually out of my habit to wake up early
i did it all the time since i was little
its the alarm clock in my body
so if i didnt wake up early,
i know something wrong with my body..
not enough rest or too much resting..

when i was younger,
i sometimes awake earlier 
before my parents woke me up
but i love faking sleep
and just lying on bed
as my dad told me that 
he'll always wake me up if he's around
no matter how big i am as long as he's there
as he really love me
im such an insecurity person
judge me

im not even sure what makes people think 
im sleeping, lazying in bed
at this hour (7.30 am)
that is so not me
ya, im being lazy, but not sleeping,
only lying there on my bed..
i prefer some games, manga, light reading..
or trying to get some work down if im up to it
but so not sleeping..
such a waste of time dont u think??
and we only got 24h a day
but yeah, still in my room,
with light out,
no sound 
so people would say i was sleeping
im not lying to them!!
just lying there on my bed..

mum always thought im sleeping in my room
on a day off like this
i rarely did
but im not going to tell her that
cause even if she knew
it makes no diff
she would say im wasting my time..
at least if she thinks im sleeping 
she might think im resting
though she still didnt approve much..

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