Saturday, July 27

at last.. it end.. for today (MAY)

to say im a M,
i would be offend,
i hate pain i hate pain i hate pain.. 
this is the real truth, who doesnt hate pain, 
well, unless ur a M of course
(no offense if u r.. =_=")

well, im not a normal healthy person 
as most normal people are..
im the person who got sick almost all year around
for differents reasons each time
(co0L.. not!!)

i like this kind of feeling..
when we're sick,
most of the time, we'll be thinking of HIM
HIS forgiveness, HIS mercy, HIS love
so i cant help but thinking
i dont mind getting sick that much..
if that makes me closer to HIM..
those pains remind me,
im alive..
and HE's always there..

ps: i dont sound like a big M right? but.. the characteristics..
dear Lord.. x_x

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