Wednesday, May 29

Off to work!

going to work now..
now i prefer to braid my hair
note that i have longer hair..
least troublesome..
sometime i just wish i can ask or force someone to braid my hair..
miss my cousin jie.. (if that what i call her,will check back later, no time now =P)
jie would braid my hair
and i only keep my hair because of her
each time i look at my hair in the mirror
it would remind me of her
as jie had told me once,
"you always play with your hair,
ever since you were a kid"
and i was like.. 
"really? i dont remember that.." XD
and when i told jie i wanna cut my hair,
she told me,
"do you think your hair will grow long enough for your marriage?"
do i need longer hair to get marry?
let's think............
idk! XD
God, look at the time, c ya!

will my bro be kind enough to braid my hair?

bittersweet dream (sweet nightmare)

bitter - may not happen
sweet - the people and atmosphere
dream - the unconcious mind
nightmare - may crying afterward cause i know it's merely a dream

ps: not much time to write but this happen last night, so before i forgot..

REAWAKENING (how many time was it already?)


omg omg omg
how long has it been??
half a year already??
i was checking my email for stuff and
i just found the-comments-from-my-blog
and i was like..
my blog!
my dirties little secrets!
and i was like..
go through a few blog post..
and read every little fr**king thing i wrote
and i was like..
my.. was i that polite?
you can guess one of the posts i read right?
and so many things had change..
i'm not even rememer who was i anymore

i may have some post that i might just post here
if i didnt delete it yet though.. =_="
let me go through for a bit eh..
gomen neh?

ps: dear god, i delete most of it as i dont care less as long as i already wrote down everything.. anyway, i'll try wrote down as much of my thought and memories here as im bad at expressing them.. cheers! xx