Thursday, February 17

my handphone

i bought a new phone last time
its CSL M33
it got radio, mp3, tv, camera, the basic
so it kind of cheap la with only $250
the prob is, i cant find the accessory and replacement
masalah paling besar bila barang ganti xde
as diorang cakap barang baru
i was like..the hell??
barang baru??
didnt they consider it before selling it??
urg..nak wat camne..da nasib..
daku pasrah dan berserah T_T

ps:this is the 3rd time im trying to post more blackout or internet prob pretty please -("|'')-

i want another new handphone ='<

1 comment:

fzhal76 said...

hi ,

nak tanya, apa masalah?. saya punye sering off sendiri,....