Sunday, October 28

28 October


i always3 wanna talk to you
spilling every bit of my dirty little secret
but i just dont have time..
ok fine, i do have some time,
but you know,
when we hang together, 
it just the time fly so fast that i cant get everything off my chest just yet
and i keep get complain that i wrote way too long and talk way too much..
gomen neh.. for neglecting you
anyway, i always know that ur always here..
until blackout or something that is.. LOL XD

well, off to work now..
i'll try ro tell u stories rather than fb ok..
luv u

Sunday, August 5


2 nights ago..
i had nightmare..
which awoke me crying..
last week i've been busy with exam for my students
and i guess this where the nightmare crept..
God bless that it only happen after we finish all the exam =P

and our story begin with:~
it was the exam week
and i've been burning the midnight oil for it
(mind me, it RARELY happen to REAL me in REAL life,
love my beauty sleep, n study early if u must XP)
it was the last paper..
malay languange or was it malay literature,
im not so sure..
i in the middle of answering the first few question that
my headache hits me
as i dun really wanna look like an idiot,
screaming in my head..
i raise my hand 
told the invigilator, whom was a family member that i wanna go to the toilet  
and went to the ladies that was just to the right side of our exam hall..
i went in and sit on the toilet
as suddenly
the world start spinning around me
it spin sooooo fast that i thought im gonna die or being apparated or i had touch a portkey or something..

and within few second it just stopped!
i blink a few times,
inhale and exhaling few tines..
when i thought i was really ok then i stand up
'what was that..weird..'
i looked at my face in the mirror..
'i seems alright..'
and went back into the hall..
was shocked me was..
there was no one there and i was like
'what the..'
there was my paper on my table so i hurriedly went to it 
and i realized the answer was like i've left it not few minutes ago..
i was so mad..
at that time i know that everyone had gone to another hall to answer the second part of the paper
as i heard some noise from the other hall
(i think in my dream, we move from a room to another room to answer another paper or something)
i was so furious..
how dare they left me alone,
cant even spare some minutes to check on me whether im alright or not
what the hell is going on..
i was answering my question like mad
and i didnt know what time was it now..
tears start dropping from my eyes..
'stupid tears..'
i wiped the tears roughly with the back of my hand
(now that i think about it,i dont even remember if im wearing a glasses or not..
oh well, everything can happen in a dream =D)
suddenly, the was some loud noise from the other hall and it quite suddenly
i knew then that the exam is over
i was cursing..
hell,why did this need to be happen..
i hate my life
i hate my life
i hate my life!!
but i was still answering the exam at that time and there was a woman came in
and tried to take my paper from me
i recognize her as one of the invigilators
there's no hell way im gonna hand this to u and where's the other invigilator,
whay dont my family try to take this paper from me if they dare
they didnt even come to call on me to tell the stident going to move or something
i hate traitor!!
while i was thinking all of this and that 
the *** invigilator had successfully took my paper from me
i was extremely furious
now the tears just wont stop flowing
i screamed as loud as i can
and i kicked a cupboard untit it fall down
i started to destroyed it
(poor cupboard >_<
then my family and all the invigilator, started to swarm in
"now sara, dont be mad, if u really wanna hit some one, u just slap ***,ok..he's at fault"
i glare at them all..
i know no one dare to lay a hand on *** as his temper is not to be mess with,
but at that time
i really really think i can just kill them all with my own bare hand
oh,the power of rage..
"one of u could just come and me,
i was just in the restroom,
was it hard enough?
would it kill u just to go there and inform me first?!!"
they were whispering among themselves
"hell,why do i bother to have family here if no one is gonna help me?
i rather like it if the stranger was the traitor.."
i said while glaring at the woman who took my paper
but she look really confuse..
a new wonder..
and i was awoke crying..
feeling betrayed and frustrated..
what a nightmare..
i didnt even know how well was i from other exam!!! LOL XD

ps: Watashi wa akumu o motte ita T_T

Wednesday, August 1

after sooooooo looooong

sorry it took a very3 looooooooooooong time to update
i dont even think im going to revisit again actually
then i figurev that i need u the most 
(i dont want to go all crazy by myself, mind me >_<")
so here i am...

a little summary
im a kindergarten teacher now
i had 3 problematic health within these few month 
and im still alive
oh and last but not least
i rarely on9
neither facebook nor even tweeter
blame me,
but im working 12h/daily, 6d/week..
thats all...
late for work
mata neh~~~ 
bai bai

ps: happy ramadhan for those who celebrating =)