Wednesday, February 23


hari penyelidikan UMT
all class before 12 were cancel and all student are compulsory to be at the hall
i went home yesterday so i need to be at campus before 8 as they said it start at 8 and how wrong could i be??i was driving like hell as early as 7 am in the morning with not less than 70km/h and mostly 90km/h,overtake every piece of snails in front of me..and find myself at exactly 8 am sharp at the what could be the problem?? the prob didnt even start at was like im the only one there..well,not really..there are VERY few other people actually..i've been tricked!! everyone was coming at sometime after 8.30am or start sometime after 9 o'clock..i was in rage..both my handphone was out of battery and i forgot my was in the car..geh..what could be worse??

but then everyone has their own bad day so i just need to suck in everything..well,the first talk was dead boring i tell u..thank god im not dead..its about biotech..i feel sinned..etto,kind of guilty but i really cant understand whats going on..only few of the talk make some sense,when he talk bout marine..hohoho XD urg,i need to read more then..sometime in last week i did watch tv about the biotech but their explaination is kind of mess up that i didnt watch till the end of the show..i think i can do better than them in i understand why communication skill is so important..

we went to eat nasi kukus aka steam rice during the,mizuki and was so yummy..oishi~ well,looking at the price,it the break they have dr juanita slot so me and dira neesan thought it would be a good idea to give dr juan our moral support =P mizuki only sit there for sometime as she had so much things so settle..dr juan really love to educate the children about turtle..for me and dira its kind of watching a movie for how ever time it has been..but more frequent we see or hear something,the more we remember right?? i hope i can tell my students at the kindergarden about this turtle awareness once i get the job..[kind of lame dream isnt it?? i really wish to become a kindergarten teach though..the country's future lay on them so i thought if they know more since young,they can change this country for better =)]

turtle time:
- a turtle sex is determine by the temperature. hot will produce a female baby turtle from the eggs and cool will produce male baby turtle.
- a mother turtle didnt have to mate to produce eggs but the eggs that mother turtle lay without mating will never produce baby turtles..the eggs is just like empty eggs without soul in it..(kind of..)
- baby turtles who just hatch will not eat anything and they will get into "swim frenzy" condition which they swim like crazy to their feeding ground which is very very far away..only there baby turtle will eat.. (so dont disturb them or else they gonna need more energy to swim)
- every turtle need to go to the land to lay eggs and the mother turtle can be very picky..if there's any rubbish at the place she wants to lay eggs,she will swim back to the ocean and find another time..or not laying eggs at all..ouchie =_="

kame-san..chuuu~  <3

Thursday, February 17


i would give anything to cosplaying T_T
part 1
mizuki cakap 
abg asyraf suke kan aq tadi..
dy cakap aq comey pakai selendang 
xpakai glasses
mesti c abg asyraf tergamam tengok aq kot 
sampai mizuki boleh cakap camtu..
it feels weird XD

place: restoran as-syakiran

ps: abg asyraf tegur kitorang time tengah yang tegur abg asyraf kot..
aq just sebut, "abg" memang aq xnampak pape coz x pakai glasses..makanan tu panas sangat,berasap beb spek aq BD

part 2
it is because u have loved n trusted..that u could not bear it when u were betrayed
~trinity blood~

ps: copying from someone's quote ...been long since i last watch trinity blood..waking up late midnight..fuh..its just after spm if im not mistaken..with nothing to do..hoho


dira ask me bout hafiz..
i said i wanna kill him

place: library

my handphone

i bought a new phone last time
its CSL M33
it got radio, mp3, tv, camera, the basic
so it kind of cheap la with only $250
the prob is, i cant find the accessory and replacement
masalah paling besar bila barang ganti xde
as diorang cakap barang baru
i was like..the hell??
barang baru??
didnt they consider it before selling it??
urg..nak wat camne..da nasib..
daku pasrah dan berserah T_T

ps:this is the 3rd time im trying to post more blackout or internet prob pretty please -("|'')-

i want another new handphone ='<