Saturday, October 23

1st entry

aq masih baru
x tau apa yang ingin aq coretkn (0_o)
tapi kata teman ku
dari hang ngarut kat fb,baeq hang wt blog
bru puas ati
jadi aq tanpa segan silu mengambil nasihat hamba Tuhan itu

im a normal teenage girl (^_^)(") *helo*
(well,not really normal..freak is too harsh..i'd say i love being different)
i love comic and anime and kawaii(cute) things
i have a fetish for a youngsters
please dont call me pervert (T_T) *tears*
im just a different teen with lolishouta complex (^///^) *blush*
which mean liking young girls and boys
i wish to be a kindergarden teacher..
dont be scared,i wont hurt your kids..
i just wanna teach them soo much about things i've learn
that i would love to be a kindergarden teacher

my dad left me when i was 10 years old
i really love him ^3^
n always pray for him *god bless him*
mum said God love him more so i need to let him go
i love being emo so bare with me if all i talk is emo
n dont hate my stupid smiley (0////0)
but i want this to become an education site also =_="
i'll think 1st and post later kay..ja neh~ (^_^)(") *waving*